Part-time CFO

The cornerstone to Growth Management Solutions financial service offerings are Part-time CFO services.  The Part-time CFO is a growing trend in the financial industry, and one that companies should be familiar with and consider when making strategic business decisions.  By coming to the office part-time but staying connected to your company on a 24/7 basis, the Part-time CFO provides the benefits of a full time CFO for a fraction of the cost to hire.   And the Part-time CFO can start immediately with no recruiting fees. 

  • The Part-time CFO is a program that delivers overly qualified financial leadership to small companies at a fraction of the cost to hire

  • No need for a long term search – Services are truly on-demand - Zero recruiting fee
  • The difference between a controller and an experience CFO is huge and can be critical to your company’s success.  Getting the right financial help now, can avoid a fatal pitfall
  • Mentors and develops your staff
  • Understanding how to create and maintain the relationship with your lenders, investors and other stakeholders
  • Serves as “right hand” to CEO
  • Acts as a sounding board, mentor and/or advisor for CEOs and entrepreneurs
  • Available in daily units appropriate to your businesses requirements